Tickborne Encephalitis (TBE) Vaccination
On This Page:
What Is Tickborne Encephalitis?
How Does Tickborne Encephalitis Spread?
What Is the Tickborne Encephalitis Vaccine?
Who Needs a Tickborne Encephalitis Vaccination?
Where Is Tickborne Encephalitis Found?
Where Can I Get a Tickborne Encephalitis Vaccine?
What Is Tickborne Encephalitis?
Tickborne encepahlitis or TBE is an infection spread by tick bites. It primarily affects the central nervous system and can lead to meningitis and/or encephalitis.
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control recommends the following methods to avoid infection:
- Vaccination against TBE is the most effective prevention measure.
- Apply tick repellents if in a region with TBE.
- Wear protective clothing, with long sleeves and long trousers tucked into socks. Treating clothing with insecticide is also recommended.
- Check your body for ticks after outdoor activities. Remove any ticks with tweezers or forceps.
- Avoid eating or drinking unpasteurised dairy products in risk areas.
How Does Tickborne Encephalitis Spread?
TBE is caused by a virus spread through tick bites. There are three major subtypes of ticks that carry the virus:
European Subtype – Transmitted by the Ixodes ricinus tick. It is found primarily in central, eastern and northern Europe.
Far Eastern Subtype – Transmitted by the I. persulcatus tick. It is endemic in far-eastern Russia and in forested regions of China and Japan.
Siberian Subtype – Transmitted by the I persulcatus tick. Infection is centralized to the Urals region, Siberia and Eastern Russia. It has been found in some parts of north-eastern Europe.
Incidence of TBE has increased almost 400 percent in the last 30 years. Risk areas are spreading making vaccination even more important.
What Is the Tickborne Encephalitis Vaccine?
The tickborne encephalitis vaccine is considered the best way to prevent TBE while in an effected area.
The vaccine is given in three doses over a six month to one year period. It is recommended all three doses be completed before travel to an area with TBE. But, the vaccination is considered effective after two doses. A booster dose will be given three years after the last series dose. Additional booster doses are then given every five years thereafter.
Please note, an accelerated schedule is available as well as schedules for children under 16 and adults over 60.
Who Needs a Tickborne Encephalitis Vaccination?
TBE vaccination is recommended for travellers spending long periods of time in forested or rural areas of countries where the virus is present. This includes popular travel activities like camping, hiking, mountaineering, walking, running or cycling.
Travellers to affected regions are at risk from April to November at altitudes at or above 1,500 metres.
See below for additional information on what regions are most affected.
Where Is Tickborne Encephalitis Found?
TBE occurs most often in regions with the specific ticks mentioned above. Travellers to regions where these ticks are present are advised to recieve the TBE vaccine and follow measures to avoid tick bites, such as using repellents. Regions affected by TBE include:
Where Can I Get a Tickborne Encephalitis Vaccine?
Passport Health travel clinics carry the TBE vaccination in-stock and ready for your visit. Ring or schedule online now and get protected today!